Socceroo #142 is Conrad (Con) Purser, the first native born Western Australian to be selected in an Australian team.
Born in Collie in the southern WA coalfields, Con moved off the farm to Inglewood in Perth at the age of 6 but didn't start playing until 13 when he had a couple of years at with Inglewood in the mid-1940's. He then moved to Nth Perth who played at his local ground, Woodville Reserve. At 16 he was playing 1st grade & its Nth Perth that Con has named as his GrassRoots club.
He made his debut in Australian colours against the touring Sth. Africans in 1955 thus assuring him of his place in history & was part of our 1956 Olympic Games squad.
It was indeed an honour to spend time talking with him and hearing stories of the battles Nth. Perth had with the likes of Swan Athletic & Swan Valley back in the day, and it is indeed an honour to add Con Purser to the GFP family.